Make time for your mind




Since the pandemic, mental ill-health has surged globally. The only upside: business owners and leaders are realising how important supporting the mental health and wellbeing of their people is. It’s now a necessity, not a luxury.



Drawing on the 5 Pillars, we deliver mental fitness training through our 2 signature programmes - The Mental Edge: Sharper Minds for Stronger Leaders and Glow-Solo.  Antonia ensures you come away with an independent mental fitness routine.



Training programmes are delivered online, through self-study modules, live group sessions and 1:1 sessions. There is a strong focus on independent practice in between teaching sessions, to help you establish a sustainable mental fitness habit. 

Training options

  • The Mental Edge: Sharper Minds for Stronger Leaders is our signature mental fitness training programme for leaders and senior level professionals who are exhausted and struggling to manage stress. Learn and embed a robust framework to improve focus, build emotional resilience and recharge your energy levels.

  • Glow-Solo provides tailored mental fitness support to individuals who are overwhelmed, exhausted and struggling to keep all the balls in the air. Clients leave Glow-Solo with reduced stress levels, improved overall wellbeing, mentally recharged, and feeling stronger, calmer and more productive.

what our clients say

The cost of inaction

We are living through a mental ill-health epidemic.  Deloitte (2022) estimates the cost of mental ill-health to employers is £3,700 per employee per year in the finance and insurance sectors, and £2,600 per employee per year in the professional services sector.  Do the maths for the number of employees within your business, and it’s a bit of a shock.  Those are annual costs.  The costs are also disproportionately high for younger employees, those with caring responsibilities, and ethnic minorities, who are more at risk of mental ill-health.  These figures will no doubt rise as the full impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health plays out.

The good news is that prevention is highly cost-effective. The average return on investment in workplace mental health initiatives is £5 for every £1 spent, with the highest returns seen for initiatives focused on prevention and building resilience, as well as for interventions targeted to groups most at risk of mental ill-health, such as younger people and carers. This is exactly what the GYM training does.