Build your workout. Grow your mind muscle.

The Five Pillars are the foundation of everything we do. They were developed by Antonia after years of study, practice and exploration. She looked at the science, tested the practices and created a model that works in real life. 

Different practices sit under each Pillar. Many of these practices actually work together – drawing on multiple Pillars at the same time. This makes it easier to build a toolbox and workout for your mind.  

The Pillars are designed for people with messy lives. In other words: everyone. You don’t have to perform a practice from each Pillar in every workout. It’s more about engaging in a range of practices that fit your day-to-day to make sure you’re receiving all the benefits.

The proven-by science bit

Studies show consistent use of practices from the Five Pillar increase (take a deep breath) happiness, wellbeing, self-compassion, relaxation, emotion regulation, focus, productivity, sleep quality and body acceptance.

At the same time, they can reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress, including cortisol levels. They also help overcome rumination, overwhelm, burnout, negative emotions, perfectionism and body shame. That’s a lot of good, proven by science.

the 5 pillars


Be present. In the moment. Become aware of your body, your thoughts, your emotions. Detach yourself from the past and future.


Express gratitude – the positive emotion we experience when we recognise and appreciate something good in our lives.


Cultivate self-compassion in moments of difficulty and struggle. Show yourself the love and kindness you show a good friend.  Swap your ‘Inner Bitch’ for your ‘Inner Bestie’.


To others. To yourself. To your environment. Random acts of kindness harbour great rewards for your mental health.


Paint, draw, dance, write, sew, cook, sing, mould, colour, make. Regularly making time for being creative positively impacts mental health.

GYM services

Better manage your stress and long-term mental health by building your mental fitness through one of our signature programmes.