The Mental Edge

Sharper Minds for Stronger Leaders

For driven leaders, and senior professionals who are overwhelmed, exhausted, and losing focus. This programme helps you achieve more with your work day, respond rationally to daily challenges, and make better decisions, so you can have a greater impact on the world.

It teaches you how to close down your excess brain tabs and genuinely switch off, so you can and enjoy your precious down-time after closing your laptop.

The Mental Edge solves 3 key problems:

  • You’re working crazy hours, but aren’t making progress, you’re struggling to focus, your work quality is down and you’ve started dropping balls.

  • You’re reactive, irritable, and quick to snap.  Your emotions frequently boil over, out of your control, influencing your decisions and responses. 

  • You’re exhausted. But you can’t switch off.

With these 3 solutions:

  • Train your attention, strengthen your focus, create space for deep work, and become more productive.

  • Build your resilience, improve your emotional management,  respond rationally, and make clear, strategic decisions. 

  • (Re)learn to switch off and intentionally manage your energy, so you feel restored, and ready to lead your team.  Harness rest as a strategy for progress. 

The Mental Edge Model

The programme draws on a combination of 3 of the GYM 5 Pillars - mindfulness, self-compassion and creativity - to help you build a peak, healthy mind.

The Mental Edge is delivered through 12 self-study modules and live weekly group training sessions, with additional support provided through a private Slack community, and up to 3 x 30 min 1:1 sessions with Antonia. Home practice is set in between each module.

COST: Employer-funded £1395 per participant. Self-funded £995 per participant. A payment plan can be provided if required.

Watch this short video for more information about The Mental Edge:

Ready to find your Mental Edge?

Book a call with Antonia