Personal training. For your mind.

We maintain our bodies. Why not our minds?

We all understand the importance of exercising regularly, eating well, watching what we drink. But there isn’t the same preventive guidance to help us keep our minds fit. Usually, it’s only when something goes wrong that it even comes up.

Led by Dr Antonia Dingle, Glow Your Mind (GYM) is here to change that. With our Five Pillar approach, we provide accessible and achievable mental fitness training as a preventive approach to mental health. We want to make practicing mental fitness as commonplace as going for a run.

Our goal is simple: get you feeling strong and resilient. Ready for what life throws your way.

Strengthen your mind. Make happy happen.


We teach you how to develop your mental fitness using simple science-based practices. Drawing on extensive research, all the practices we teach have a robust evidence base showing they improve mental health and well-being.


Our approach is built on Five Pillars: Be Mindful, Be Thankful, Be Self-Loving, Be Kind and Be Creative. These practices help you to reduce stress, anxiety, depression and burnout; increasing resilience, wellbeing, happiness, patience, sleep quality and body acceptance.


You don’t expect super strength from going to the gym a few times. Mental fitness is the same. The more you practice, the more you reap the rewards. Starting with simple 5-minute practices, we’ll help you develop this new healthy habit. 

Prevention is better than cure

We have a one-sided approach to mental health in our society. We focus almost entirely on cure, and so little on prevention. We only engage with our mental health once something has gone wrong, if we get sick. Up until then we roll the dice, hoping it won’t be us, or maybe not even thinking about it at all.

We need to tip this balance and start focusing more on prevention. A wealth of evidence and research shows how effective simple preventative practices are for our mental health, and for maintaining our mental fitness. We just don’t tend to know about them, talk about them, or do them. This is why GYM is here to – to tell you what they are, talk about them, and most importantly, get you doing them.



As the pandemic’s proven, the need to support mental health as early as possible is not a nice-to-have. It’s an essential. Using the Five Pillars, GYM provides training to strengthen your mental fitness, resilience and wellbeing.  With our signature programmes for both senior leaders and for non-senior individuals, we’ll help you and you and your people to stay strong.

Meet Dr. Antonia
( just Antonia is fine)

Dr Antonia Dingle isn’t a ‘say ahh’ type doctor. She’s a public health specialist. After realising little-to-no focus is placed on proactively strengthening your mental health, she vowed to do something about it.

Following extensive research, practice and training in the practices that were to become the Five Pillars, Antonia founded GYM. And that’s where our story starts.